Practical Information

The ZOOM links to attend the virtual conference have been sent by e-mail to all participants. If you do not received these ZOOM links, send an e-mail to Marte Traae Magnusson.

Please note that three ZOOM links are used during the conference:

  1. Link to join the Zoom webinar: Attendee link
  2. Link to join the General Assembly (GA) and Social time: General Assemblee and social link
  3. Link to Sponsor meeting SECTRA: SECTRA sponsor link

Chairmen/women are supposed to raise their hand during the last presentation before their session and as a speakers at the latest during your own presentation. They will then be upgraded to panelist for the session.
This will enable video and sound!

If there are any technical problems please contact: Magnus K. Reiten
or for urgent matters during the congress: Marte Magnusson: +47 99 61 75 73.